Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions we often get asked by our customers. If you can't find the answer to your question, get in touch with our friendly customer service team.

  • Do Gobguard offer a warranty?

    Yes, we offer a one-year warranty on manufacturing faults.

    However, if your mouthguard looks like it’s been chewed to death by a shark it’s probably not going to be covered so please don’t use it as a chew toy! Try to keep your custom mouthguard in the protective case provided and out of direct sunlight when possible.

  • What if I take an inaccurate dental impression?

    The DIY home impression process is easier than it looks! We will check your impression before making any Gobguard mouthguard, however in the rare case of an inaccurate impression we will send another putty kit free of charge. Unfortunately, we cannot do this forever - further kits will need to be purchased at £5 incl. postage.

    If you are concerned about the suitability of your impression, we suggest contacting us and we will advise further.

  • How long will it take to make my custom Gobguard?

    Once we receive your impression, your new mouthguard will be crafted by our expert dental technicians. It takes up to 10 business days to make and should be back in the post to you as soon as possible.

    All our deliveries are made via Royal Mail and include return packaging.

  • What if my Gobguard doesn't fit?

    It's extremely unlikely this will happen, but the fit will never be known until you pop the finished mouthguard in your mouth. If there are any problems please return the mouthguard to us. We can make adjustments where indicated, or if needed fast track the production of a new mouthguard so you don't miss any training sessions or games.

  • How often should I replace my Gobguard mouthguard?

    Between the ages of 6 to 15, it's recommended you replace the mouthguard every season.

    Once adult teeth are fully erupted, your Gobguard mouthguard should be replaced every 2-3 years. The mouthguard will wear down and should be checked every year. Depending on the usage, it may need to be changed within this time.

    Early warnings that your mouthguard is not fitting correctly include becoming loose or not fitting up against the teeth and gums which can lead to sore spots on the gums.

  • What if I have braces or a fixed plate?

    Anyone with upper braces or a fixed upper plate cannot use the Gobguard DIY home impression process. However, you can choose to visit a dentist with the correct equipment who can take an intra-oral scan of your mouth (they will charge you separately for this service). Email the scan to us, we then 3D print a model of your teeth and make a mouthguard from that.

  • What if I have a removable plate?

    Removable plates must be removed before taking the impression and whilst wearing the mouthguard.

  • My child's teeth are still growing, will it fit in a few months?

    Throughout the year your child’s teeth and bone that supports the teeth are growing, therefore we try to make allowances in the design of the mouthguard for obvious tooth movement. Your child will require a new mouthguard periodically until they are approximately 15 years of age.

  • How do I clean my Gobguard?

    After use, rinse your mouthguard in cold water. Use a tooth brush to gently scrub it, removing the saliva and any food debris.

    A quick rinse in a non-alcoholic mouthwash will help improve the taste and smell of your mouthguard. Do not use tooth paste or solvents which will abrade. Do not clean with hot water or heat as this will distort the shape and fit of the mouthguard.

  • Why do I need a sports mouthguard?

    When participating in a contact based sporting activity it is generally accepted that wearing a sports mouthguard helps reduce the chances of the following injuries.

    • Mouthguards Protect Against Tooth Fractures.
    • Mouthguards Protect Against Tooth Displacement.
    • Mouthguards Protect Against Knocking Out a Tooth.
    • Mouthguards Protect Against Soft Tissue Injuries.
    • Mouthguards Might Protect Against Concussions.

    Here is a link to an independent research paper that has an in-depth investigation on the benefits of using a sports mouthguard.

    British Dental Journal

  • Is a custom fit Gobguard better than 'Boil and Bite' options?

    The British Dental Association have organised a project and website called DentalTrauma (which handily has instructions to follow in an emergency):

    Dental Trauma Site

    They, based on evidence, strongly recommend a custom fitted mouthguard for offering the best protection, and comfort. There have also been studies regarding mouthguards also protecting not just your teeth but your brain from concussion injuries via blows to the jaw.

    Boil and Bite options can be difficult to fit, may be uncomfortable, and may not stay in place. Due to them not fitting as snugly they may also become a choking hazard.

    For more information about the different types of mouthguards, please refer to the following page:

    Custom Fit vs Boil and Bite

  • Can I use a sports mouthguard for night-time teeth grinding protection?

    A sports mouthguard is not intended to protect against teeth grinding. If you're after a nightguard, dayguard, or bleaching whitening tray please check out our products on this site under the Medical section.

  • I hear you can use mouthguards to stop snoring. Will this one work?

    There are specialist mouthguards which fit to the upper and lower teeth and work by holding the mouth in a more closed position. These reduce or eliminate snoring and also help prevent snacking on spiders in the middle of the night...

    If you are interested in an anti-snoring mouthguard please drop us a line at

If there are any questions you would like answered that are not covered above, please get in contact and we will get an answer to you promptly.

Home Impression Kit Instructions

Here is the online version of the instructions for using the Home Impression Kit.

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